Week 18 Recap: Falling for Fall

Week 18 Recap: Falling for Fall


There was no doubt. In earlier weeks we’ve had hints of fall but now it was for real: you could feel it in the cool morning air, the up tempo winds hitting your face; see it in the scuttling low clouds, the turning of the birch leaves from their drab green to brilliant yellow; hear it with the nighttime honking of migrating geese and the almost comical one-note call of migrating Pacific loons. And for our guests, more importantly, you could feel fall in the savage jolt of an aggressive northern pike trying to get an easy meal. Violent strikes were incredibly common for our Week 18 crew. The pike were on the prowl for the entire week. The action was steady for most anglers almost every day on Scott and on our two dozen flyout lakes. It could have been a windy shoreline, a patch of weeds or a deep drop-off. The pike seemed to be everywhere. And they were angry. These are “take no prisoners” pike that barely show a resemblance to the sometimes picky pike of early summer. The spinners, spoons, plastics or flies this week were often not visible when the fish were brought to the boatside. These pike were committed to their next meal as they put on weight in preparation for the long and relatively lean winter months. These are ferocious, feisty, fat fall pike—a fish you just have to love.

Typically, at this time of our season we get into the quantity vs. quality debate. The quality of fall pike is undisputed. They are much heavier than they were a month or two previous. Often though, our trophy numbers taper off as we get near the end of the season while the size increases. This group had it all—QUANTITY AND QUALITY. The trophy count landed at 154, a respectable number even for June or July. Add the heft of this group’s catch and you have the ingredients of a sensational week. It was: there were fifteen pike of 44-inches or better, topped by a magnificent 47-incher.

We had 114 trophy pike and, as they often do, the big fish came in bunches. Ron Juergens, Seth Snyder, Paul Lorusso, Kevin Thorp and Liz Snyder landed a trio of trophy pike on the same day; Mike Strobel, Tom Davis, Brenda Gray, Paul Lorusso, Veronica Strobel and Seth Snyder (another big day) made it a four-pack; Valarie Strobel and Rebecca Graf each landed five trophy pike on their big days. Pike between 44-and 46-inches were as common as the yellow leaves on birch trees. Our guides term these monsters the “mids” as opposed to “regular” trophies between 40- and 43-inches or the “megas” between 47- and 50-inches. If you hook into one of these mids, you know that you have an impressive fish. In most Canadian settings they are pretty rare. Not at Scott Lake Lodge. Not during Week 18. Pike of 44” were caught by a slew of our anglers: Ron Wamsted, Seth Snyder, Jason Sikkenga, Dave McCarty, Mike Strobel (a pair of brutes) and Valarie Strobel (also a pair). Pike of 45” were taken by Seth Snyder (that name yet again), Don Thorp and Brenda Gray who landed two at 45, giving her an incredible trip. Mark Graf went to the top of the “mid” scale with a pike of 46-inches. But the fish-of-the-week belonged to Mike Strobel with a beautiful 47-incher. That is a big batch of QUALITY fish.

A week at Scott is not complete without someone landing a big trout or two or more. Our pike did not completely dominate the TV screens after dinner. There were some impressive lake trout as well. Mike Winegar pulled in a 39-incher; Don Thorp caught a fat 42-incher, along with a 38- and 40-incher. The Top Trout though went to Kevin Thorp who landed a 42.5-inch pig of a laker.

Grayling were in the game too. Only four angers (Mark and Rebecca Graf and Kevin and Don Thorp) went after the acrobatic resident of the far north, but all cashed in on fish of 17-inches or better, big grayling in these parts. Those grayling catches gave a Trophy Triple hat to Mark, Kevin and Don. Hitting over 100 total inches, Kevin and Don also earned the 100+Club jacket.

As we’ve come to expect, there were numerous wildlife sightings. Fall is a time when all critters, both in the lakes or on the land, become active. The only missing entrée in the exciting fall smorgasbord were the northern lights. They were probably up there but we had five consecutive cloudy nights. But no one complained about not staying up late to watch the celestial show; everyone was tired from catching too many big fish! Simply put: it was a hell of a week, one that all our anglers will remember for the rest of their lives.

Week 14 Recap: Some Heavy Hitters

Week 14 Recap: Some Heavy Hitters

“Some Heavy Hitters”

It’s late summer, the heat of the pennant races and it’s time for some baseball talk. Going 3 for 5 in a game is darn good, a .400 average. It’s been 83 years since a major leaguer hit .400. That was Ted Williams who also happened to be a great angler. So, for Scott Lake Lodge to bat .400 during its 14th week of the season is more than good. Over the week we had two spectacularly beautiful days, one OK day and two cloudy, cool, rainy, windy days. Which days do you think were the three hits? If you’ve been following this blog over the years you know. Sunshine drives quality pike and grayling fishing. No exceptions this week. The three warm, sunny days averaged 49 trophies per day; the three not-so-nice days averaged eight. Sunshine is fishing catnip; the pike and grayling go a little crazy.

To hit .400 though, you need more than ideal weather. You need some sluggers. And we had them. We had anglers who could handle our trophy fish—pike over 40”, arctic grayling over 15” and lake trout over 35”. Our Week 14 team hit doubles, triples and homeruns every inning. When the dust on the basepaths settled, the home team had 107 trophy pike, 44 trophy grayling and 13 trophy lake trout for an impressive total of 164 big fish, some very big. We had eleven anglers who “super-sized” their trophies by landing pike over 45”, lake trout over 40” or grayling over 18”. We saw some seriously big fish on the big TV screens after dinner every night. And this is mid-August when fishing in most Canadian lodges in Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan start to see their fishing fall off. In the areas to the south their big days are in June and early July. In August the water just gets too warm. In the cooler waters of the far north, our big days and big weeks happen throughout the season. Our first seven groups of the 2024 season averaged 146 trophies per 5-day session; the next seven, starting July 21 and wrapping up August 18th, averaged 151, demonstrating that any week of our season could be sensational; it all depends on the weather, not the calendar. Anytime is the “best” time to be fishing along the 60th parallel. Up here we don’t miss many pitches.

So, just who were the big hitters of Week 14? So many! Leading the hit parade though would have to be Mark Velleca who really hit one out of the park, getting an absolutely beautiful and girthy pike, a 49-incher, tying the mark for the biggest of the season. Another longball hitter was Jim MacDougall who brought to home plate (well his guide’s net) our biggest lake trout of the season and one of our biggest ever, a powerful 45.5-incher with a massive girth; ten other trophy fish were part of his batting production.

Many other anglers made contact with big pike using their fly, spinning or casting rods as bats. We had six anglers land 44-inchers (Dave Schauer, Dave Morales II who got a pair, Dave Morales, Stephanie Tilton, Bill Schuneman and Amy Blackstone); two got 45s (Dave Schauer and Susan Saraka); one got a 46-incher (Sam Velleca) and one (Stephanie Tilton) got an impressive 47-incher. We didn’t see many trophy trout, but we had some nice ones: in addition to Jim MacDougalls’ monster we had a 38-incher (Tom Olson), a 39-incher (Dave Morales II) and a pair of 40-inchers landed by Dave Morales. Grayling were a big part of the Week 14 game. Super-sized grayling (over 18”) were landed by Jim MacDougal, Amy Blackstone, Carl Sparks and John Replogle. At a distant fly out river, Carl and John hit a grayling bonanza, using fly rods to bring home 35 trophy grayling as well as a few trophy pike. Trophy Triple hats were handed out to Cintia Powers, Dave Morales, Dave Morales II and Jim MacDougall. The two Daves and Jim had enough big trophies to join the elite 100+Club with Jim gunning for our MVP award. He’s sitting at the top of our 100+Club leaderboard, currently edging out Jim Hambright with a 106.75 total inches for his biggest pike, trout and grayling.

There were other trophies as well. Kathy Lawler went home with some amazing northern lights images in her camera. With a lot of cloud cover and the full moon hanging around, she earned those, staying up until 2:00 AM on two different nights to hit her visual homerun. Everyone had trophy dining experiences with the Lamb Fesenjan, Lobster Risotto, Salmon Wellington and Beef Bourguignon scoring the highest. All things considered Week 14 was a winner, in contention for winning our Week of the Year award. It didn’t have the most trophies of the season, but with a 47” and 49” pike along with a 45.5” lake trout it was an All-Star week, definitely a contender.

P.S. While the Billy Jean King/Bobby Riggs tennis match was the great Battle of the Sexes, we saw a close battle here with seven couples in camp this week. In terms of total trophies landed who won? It was perfect, just like the Week: a tie 31 to 31.

Week 5 Recap: So Close… to 200 Trophy Fish

Week 5 Recap: So Close… to 200 Trophy Fish


At Scott Lake Lodge our fishing is all about having fun, not setting any records. Over the years we have probably set a few International Game Fish Association (IFGA) line class records but we’re not into that. We’re into guests enjoying their experience of world class angling with opportunities for catching that fish of a lifetime. But we do keep an account of the success of each group. And our fifth group at the lodge had extraordinary success. They were so close to hitting a number we’ve never seen—200 trophy fish in just five days. The cool, cloudy last day dampened the surge toward that lofty number with only four trophies on the final day. But the total was still 195 trophies (an all-time record of 169 trophy pike, 21 trophy arctic grayling and a lonely five trophy lake trout). Don’t worry about that trout number. Our hot “trout season” will start in a couple of weeks. With the kind of pike fishing we had no one wanted to stop to fish deeper for lakers. We know one thing for sure: we had a lot of happy guests. Every one of our 26 guests participated in the trophy haul with an average of 7.5 trophies per guest.

Our pike were on a search and destroy mission, attacking everything that came near them. There is a measure of skill involved with both our guests and our guides, but to understand what drove this fishing bonanza one simply had to look up. In June and early July, it’s sun on the water that makes our pike go a bit crazy. The first three days of Week 5 had abundant sunshine and high temperatures. It’s no surprise that 80% of the big pike (135 of the week’s 169) were landed during those three sunny days. Our shallow, silt-bottom bays were swarming with eager water wolves, attacking our guest’s offerings—flies, spinners, plastics, anything thrown at them.

When the guides found hot spots, those spots produced in abundance. Our guests were often getting more than one big one a day: 52 times our anglers landed two or more trophy pike in a single day. Jim Kusar and Ron Juergens accomplished that feat seven times out of their ten chances and ended up with an astonishing 37 trophy pike between them. We had a lot multiple trophy days. Four trophy pike a day were taken by Andrew Troop who accomplished that twice, Christal Stover, Kevin Edwards, Nancy Wahl, Gerry O’Brien, and Ron Juergens; a five trophy pike day was enjoyed by Bruce Kozlowski, and a six-pack of big pike was taken by Ron Juergens while his fishing partner, Jim Kusar, was landing 10 trophy pike—that’s a day of fishing. On the Dubawnt River Andrew Troop had a nine-trophy arctic grayling day, getting a trophy lake trout as a bonus.

So many huge pike. The angler list is long, but each fish represents a lifetime memory. Pike of 44” were landed by Darin Lyn Williamson, Cody Slover, Christal Slover (2), Chris Harris, Larry Noesen, Jim Kusar (3), Brian Grossenbacher, Marvin Wehl and Bruce Kozlowski (2); pike of 45” were taken by Christal Slover, Marvin Wehl, Cody Slover (2), Debbie Harris, Jack Libra, Bruce Kozlowski, and Larry Noesen who along with Jim Kusar got a 46.5-incher. The top fish of the week belonged to Nancy Wehl at 47.5”, a fish that at many Canadian lodges would be the biggest of the season. This year it’s just one of many of that size. At Scott Lake we think of the “good ole days” of fishing as right now. Week 5 was one for the books. When else can you almost, to 200 trophy fish.

Week 4: Fishing Fun in the Sun!

Week 4: Fishing Fun in the Sun!


It keeps getting better and better. We thought Week 3 was great fishing until Week 4 showed up. With abundant sunshine the big pike and the pike anglers were happy and energized. On 176 occasions a trophy fish brought smiles to our guests and a graceful return to the lake to the cooperative fish. With all those trophies (141 pike, 20 grayling and 15 lake trout) this recap writes itself. Our group didn’t waste any time: the week started out with one of our all-time high single-day trophy counts of 56. Just one day. Leading the Day 1 charge was the Kristo Clan. If your last name was Kristo, you had a good day and a good week. On that first day on Wholdaia Lake, 10-year-old Coyen led the charge with five trophy pike, topped by a 45-incher. Older brother Griffin landed three, also topped by a 45. Uncle Tom took the prize though with three, including an absolutely massive 49-incher, the biggest of the season so far. Steve Kristo, the proud dad, added a pair of trophy pike. As a group, they had a Lucky 13 day. Team Kristo went on to catch a total of 35 trophies with Coyen getting nine of those. Will there be stories back at school this fall! While most kids will be talking about the bluegills or crappies they caught, Coyen will be talking about pike almost as long as he is.

Another young angler got a taste of big-time fishing. Loki Johnson at the tender age of nine (yes, not even double digits) landed a dozen trophy pike, including a 45-incher and not one but two 46-inchers! His dad, Odinn, had to settle for just three big ones. Who’s teaching who how to fish? But Loki was just oozing in paternal pride. His encouragement was admirable. Another father/son team put on a big show. How’s this for bonding? On Sandy Lake, Rory and Brian Wright demonstrated perfect family symmetry. Each landed a pair of 41-inch pike. That’s common enough. But each also landed spectacular 47-inchers, another story altogether. (There were a few years in our 27-year history where a 47” pike was the biggest of the season.) The Wright’s showed us the right way to create a lifetime memory. Interestingly, the two huge pike were the first and last big fish of the day, but were caught at spots less100 yards apart (and no they were not the same fish caught twice—we have picture proof). You can bet their guide will be back to that part of the lake again soon.

The big days just keep rolling along. You don’t end up at 176 big fish by getting them one at a time. Rich Kracum landed seven trophy lake trout including a fat 40-incher and three trophy grayling on his flyout to Wholdaia Lake. (That was the hot lake of the week, but next week it will probably be a different lake.) long time guests, Frank and Susan Saraka, landed eight trophy pike on Smalltree Lake. For Susan her 46.5” beauty was her personal best. Matt Kracum picked up five trophy pike on Wholdaia on his memorable day. Andre Lechowicz picked up four nice trophy pike on a sunny day on Flett Lake. The big fish were spread all over our flyout system and on our three “home” lakes—Scott, Premier and Wignes.

Just so many big fish. In addition to all the huge pike, referenced earlier, there were some very big trout. Matt Kracum, Steve Kristo and Curt Frisbie all landed 39 or 39.5” lake trout. Matt and Rich Kracum got 40-inchers. Big grayling of 18 or 18.5-inches were pulled out of the rapids by John, Rich and James Kracum, Joe Novicki and Bill Calabresa. With all those big grayling there must have been some Trophy Triple hats handed out, right? Of course, all those anglers took home a hat; all except John upgraded to the 100+Club, our first members of the 2024 season. To enter this prestigious club, one needs to land trophies of all three of our gamefish (pike, lake trout and grayling) whose collective measurements hit or exceed 100-inches, not an easy task. Members receive a custom jacket with the lengths of their trophies embroidered on the front, a wearable reminder of a serious angling accomplishment.

The week ended on yet another sunny, though windy, day. Most of the group had a final leisurely shore lunch before they wrapped up their amazing week. Memories will focus on fish caught but memories of the long evenings with spectacular sunsets (the evening light really doesn’t end this time of year), the haunting calling of loons and the rare opportunity to experience pure, pristine wilderness will linger for years or until this entire group comes back again next season for more fishing fun in the sun. It’s that kind of place.

The Heat is On: The Week 8 Update

The Heat is On: The Week 8 Update



This has been generally a very cool summer, but this week the heat was turned on for summer fishing at it’s best. Everyone loved it, including the fish. For this far north it’s been HOT. The week started just nicely warm, then the knob kept turning higher until we hit 90 on the last day, a rare number to see in these parts. Finally, it was summertime. What do people do in the summer? They go fishing, have fancy dinners and outdoor cookouts, drink a few (or more than a few) beverages and just have a great time. We checked all those boxes and more this week. Fortunately, we had a group who knew how to party. The atmosphere in Laker Lodge when the guests come together as one large group for dinner and the evening program was lively, to say the least. To say the most, it’s possible that our nearest neighbors, just over fifty miles away, might have heard the roar of the crowd as huge fish after huge fish was shown on the TV screens during the nightly “fish du jour” experience. There was some high-octane energy in the room every night. We had a five-day celebration of great fishing, good times and enduring friendships, new and old. There was even a Hawaiian Night (it’s too long a story).

In between the fabulous shore lunches, the cigar puffing, the card games and the wildly competitive corn hole games, there was some summer fishing. And lots of big fish were landed, 170 to be exact. As is typical this time of the season, most of the trophy fish were northern pike. 133 to be exact again, but the lake trout started to make some guest appearances and the arctic grayling, well they are always cooperative. With warm temperatures and just the right level of wind, there were some incredible days. Longtime guests, Dave Wallace and Joe Wright, had the trip of a lifetime. One day they landed nine trophy pike. The next day they had only eight. And the biggest, caught by Joe Wright, was only 47”. Slackers. Other regulars, Tom Matthew and Rusty Brown, had four pike-trophy days. Jessica Word-Booth had a four trophy pike day as well. When pike are on, they are ON. Lots of guests had three trophy days. In the very big fish department, Gordon Jumonville got a 44 on his first day at Scott Lake. Jessica Word-Booth landed a 44 and a 45-incher, but the spotlight was directly on her ten-year-old son, Cole. His picture was on that TV screen every night. Last season he got a 48” pike. This kid is hooked for life, and summer fishing in the far north.

This was finally the week where lake trout made their presence known. They had been in the nowhere zone for several weeks, between their shallow water (but could be anywhere) period and their deep-water summer homes in 60-100’ of water, a nice cool place for fish that don’t care for water temperatures over 50 degreees. Well, they are home now and our guides have their addresses. Mark and Rebecca Graf love catching the big lakers (they are actually a char not a trout but that’s semantics—they are an incredible game fish). On the last day of this group they found the key to unlock the trout door. The each landed a girthy 41-incher along with a few dozen smaller lakers. Mark had taken a 40-incher earlier in the week. Some other dandies were caught this week. Lakes of 38 inches were scored by 14-year-old Jayden Brown, Brad Barousse, Mike Johnson and our Assistant Manager Dani Grunberg who managed to sneak out for an afternoon troll. Another Scott team member, Jesse Sawchuck, got a 39-incher. As the big lakers continue their descent to the deeper water they will be even bigger targets for our guides. Stay tuned for the full lake trout story.

There was just enough grayling fishing to create some Trophy Triple and 100+Club activity. Mike Johnson and Trevor Meyers waded some rapids catch some grayling and earn their Trophy Triple hats. Rebecca and Mark Graf had a banner grayling day with over a dozen trophies each. Mark’s 18.5” and Rebecca’s 19.5” arctic sailfish put them into the 100+Club’s custom jacket.

It was a great week with a fun group: good summer fishing, good times, leisurely evenings on the big deck overlooking the lake made it a memorable week for our group. It’s what a vacation is all about.