Giving Thanks

Know that what we are most thankful for is you!
Thank you for joining our adventures, thank you for the support and thank you for being a part of the Scott Lake Lodge Family!

Fall Update
After the Lodge is boarded up and the last plane heads to Stony Rapids, it doesn’t take long for our staff to spread around the globe. But in the digital age that doesn’t mean work stops. We have been carefully going through our guest evaluations, digesting your thoughtful comments and planning how we can act on them. Lists, and more lists have been created and some items have already been crossed off.
Staff Update
Greg, Brenna, Jackie and Mason have been working on Greg’s new hunting lodge and guiding whitetail hunters in Saskatchewan. Paul and Curtis, took a break from renovations and harvest to head south to chase some saltwater fish on the fly. After Jan’s wedding in San Jose, Poacher stopped in to visit Cory on his boat in Puerto Jimenez to connect with this nice rooster fish. Back in Saskatchewan, Shaun has been out fishing this fall in the snow to “toughen up in case 2019’s weather is as cold as this year”!
Travel has started for our group: Claire and Nigel crossed paths in Asia, Ross has been sampling cuisine in Italy and Rachael, despite a bum wing, caught some fish with Cory in Costa Rica.
We sent hospitality manager Dani to school; wine school, to expand our ability to recommend and pair wines in 2019. Watch out for an expended wine cellar at the lodge this coming summer.
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